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Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL)

What is Shock Wave Lithotripsy?

Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL) is the most common nonsurgical technique for treating stones in the kidney or ureter. In this procedure, Shock waves from outside the body are targeted causing the stone to fragment. The stones are broken into tiny pieces or fragments that are small enough to pass in urine. lf large pieces remain, another treatment can be performed.

When can ESWL be used?

ESWL is used when the stone does not pass on its own. lf there is an infection, severe pain, or if kidney function is obstructed, this procedure is recommended. However, very large stones cannot be treated this way. The size and shape of stone, where it is lodged in your urinary tract, patient's health decides the use of this procedure.

Does the patient need to be hospitalized?

Nil to a short duration on case basis. In most cases, lithotripsy is done on an outpatient basis.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of this treatment?

The main advantage of this treatment is that it does not involves an incision. As a result, hospital stays and recovery time are minimal.