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Keyhole Surgery (PCNL)

What is Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL)?

Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL) is often the most effective method for treating large stones quickly and completely. It involves keyhole surgery performed through a small incision in the skin. A small hollow tube is placed directly through a patient’s back into the kidney through which surgical instruments are passed to fragment and extract the stones.

What are the advantages of using this technique?

PCNL is the preferred technique for large or complicated stones treatment in a minimally invasive fashion, wherein earlier, this would require a large skin incision. Hospital stay and post surgery recovery time is significantly shorter than traditional open surgery.

Is it safe to perform this treatment?

It is much safer procedure than the traditional open surgery, which requires longer period to heal.

Is there any hospitalization required?

This procedure involves detailed imaging of the patient to ascertain details of the stone and nearby body structure in fine detail and various other tests before operation like urine tests, kidney function studies, complete blood counts etc.
Also post surgery requires some healing time, therefore minimum stay of 3-4 days is recommended.