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Frequently Asked Questions

What is ESWL?

Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) is a procedure for treatment of stones accumulated in the body. These stones may consist of small, sharp-edged crystals, or smoother, heavier formations that may resemble like pebbles. Sometimes these larger formations do not pass in the urine. These stones can cause kidney damage. People with kidney stones may experience bleeding, pain, or urinary tract infections. Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL) is the most common treatment for these stones, wherein kidney or ureteric stones are broken WITHOUT SURGERY into fine particles which subsequently pass out with urine.

What is Lithotripsy?

Lithotripsy is a scientific and non-invasive procedure, typically using ultrasound shock waves, by which stones are broken into small particles that can be passed out by the body.

What are the advantages ESWL over open surgery?

  • No cutting or invasion of the body, no long incisions and ugly scars.
  • Outpatient procedure that takes few hours.
  • No damage to kidney or other vital organs.
  • Normal activities can be carried back early.
  • Chosen method of treatment for recurring stones as repeated surgery often results in kidney removal or damage.
  • Blood transfusion not required - low risk of infection.
  • Patients unfit for surgery due to medical reasons, can be operated.

What type of stones can be treated?

Single and multiple stones of various types, size and shapes can be treated.

What about recurring stones?

ESWL is the procedure of choice for recurring stones as repeated surgery is often difficult.

Any preparations required for Lithotripsy?

Routine checkup, investigations and usual diagnosis are required.

What is the duration of the treatment and how long do one has to stay in hospital?

Average session takes 30-45 minutes depending on the size and number of stones and usually almost no hospitalization is required.

What about elderly patients and those suffering from other medical problems?

Any patient, be it an infants or adult can be treated. Patients suffering from other ailments like heart diseases, hypertension, diabetes, respiratory disorders, kidney failure etc., who are not fit otherwise can be cured safely in this procedure.

What happens after the stone is disjointed / splitted?

The stone is broken into very fine particles, which is passed out with urine through drinking ample fluids.

Who will carry on the treatment?

The treatment is carried under supervision of team of experts, lithotripsy consultants & urologist.